Street Animals & pix 'n' mix pedigrees rescue
We home 90% of our cats indoors only
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Street Animals & Pix 'n' Mix
cat proofing

Some Ideas below, what we are looking for

Good example of a catio for people who have gardens or live on the ground floor.
Two pet gates on top of each other is a good way to stop cats getting out of the front door, when anyone comes to the door.

If you are handy at DIY, you could knock up something yourself to stop your cat getting out of windows. It needs to be very secure. Velcro is good for attaching wood to window frames.

This window proofing is more of a profession job. This is from Fly guard. This is very secure and you can take the guard on and off of the windows with ease. The are secured with clips.
When enclosing balconies, we ask for them to be closed in on the top as well. Cats do climb meshing so it's important that the whole structure is completely secure. This is what we look for when doing home checks.

When cat proofing balconies, if you are going to use netting and not wire, the netting on the right is not as strong as the netting on the left photo.
You would need to double the netting if using a thinner cheaper brand. We recommend you use the stronger netting as cats will climb it and some cats are on the heavier sided and will pull the whole thing down.
Please make sure your structure is strong and secured to the wall correctly.

Please note, all juliet balconies need to be cat proofed securely into the brickwork, to stop our cats falling and accidents happening. This is what we are looking for.

This type of strong meshing is what we are looking for when cat proofing balconies.

As you can see from the pictures, this is someone's DIY project, which we were very happy to accept as cat proofing. Tools and materials used were
. Hand saw . Timber
. Drill . Bricks (rest on to stop rotting)
. Wire cutters . Galvanised steel angle brackets
. Staple gun . Screws
. Staples . Staples

This is the type of cat proofing of windows we are looking for, to keep our cats safe.

Skylight windows

need to be cat proofed. The photos you see are from flat cats. The skylight opens inwards, so the flat cats is normally ordered a size larger to allow some bag.

This excellent garden cat proofing is from a company called ProtectaPet. You can get a £50 discount code if you go onto to Kitty Gardens house cats, catios and catification Facebook group.

Garden doors need to be made safe.
The product in the photos comes from
It comes flat packed, accessories can be ordered. Normally takes five weeks for delivery. You can also pay extra to have it built.

Front Doors
Front doors leading out to main roads, without enclosed porches would need to be
made safe.
Something similar to the photos would be
Fly Guard by Trevor

Please call for enquiries on 07961145174

Also available in window form. We recommend the cat proofing mesh. as it's stronger.

Easy DIY cat proof windows to knock up